Anyways, the review.
Cathy and Karl's "Contemporary" kitchen.
Well, I think I made my point with the caption. This was easily my favorite kitchen of the night, and I don't know how in the world one bench got Tyler sent home over Cathy, Karl, or Kevin. I loved how nice it looked, yet still had a "collected" feel about it.
Kellie and Mark's pretty awesome Country kitchen.
Last and very close to least, Meg and Karl's Industrial kitchen.
All in all, Karl should have gone home for trying to turn this into an episode of "The Real Housewives of HGTV" and Cathy should have been too ashamed to even show up next time. Sadly, we had to lose someone who has been consistent this entire time, and to me, still was this week.
My updated list of who should go home is to your right.